In addition to the members of the Institute for Gravitational Research, other confirmed attendees are
Name | Affiliation |
Peter Aitchison | University of Glasgow |
Nils Andersson | University of Southampton |
Svetoslava Angelova | University of Strathclyde |
Steve Barnett | P & A University of Glasgow |
Riccardo Bassiri | Stanford University |
Angus Bell | Cascade Technologies |
Ross Birney | University of Strathclyde |
David Blair | University of Western Australia |
Dr Stephen Breslin | Glasgow Science Centre |
Prof John C. Brown | Astronomer Royal for Scotland, U.Glasgow |
Jocelyn Bell Burnell | University of Oxford |
Professor Robert Byer | Stanford University |
Gianpietro Cagnoli | Institut Lumière Matière |
Dr Paul Campsie | University of Strathclyde |
Dr Caroline Cantley | Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe) |
Professor Matthew Cartmell | University of Strathclyde |
Dr Eleanor Chalkley | AFRC / University of Strathclyde |
Marcus Chown | |
Dr David Clubley | Coherent Scotland Ltd. |
Catherine Coates | |
Alan Coates | |
Dr Allan B Colquhoun | Leonardo |
Ian Corbett | |
Prof Mike Cruise | Royal Astronomical Society |
Professor Colin Cunningham | UK Astronomy Technology Centre & University of Edinburgh |
Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann | AEI Hannover |
Katherine Dooley | Cardiff University |
Prof Tony Doyle | University of Glasgow |
Daniele Faccio | University of Glasgow |
Jim Faller | JILA and University of Glasgow |
Jocelyne Bellenger-Faller | |
Dr. Ewan Fitzsimons | UKATC |
Prof. Lyndsay Fletcher | School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow |
Prof. Andreas Freise | University of Birmingham |
Joe Giaime | LIGO Livingston Observatory |
Des Gibson | University of the West of Scotland |
Chalisa Giers | University of Strathclyde |
Justin Greenhalgh | UKRI/STFC |
Jean Greig | Scottish Universities Physics Alliance |
Hartmut Grote | Cardiff University |
David Hamilton | University of Glasgow |
Professor Paul Hardaker | Institute of Physics |
Martin Hewitson | AEI Hannover |
David Ireland | University of Glasgow |
Li Ju | University of Western Australia |
Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe | AEI Hannover |
Albert Lazzarini | LIGO Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Margaret Lazzarini | |
Dr Sean Leavey | AEI Hannover |
Gerd Leuchs | Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light |
Prof. Nicholas A. Lockerbie | University of Strathclyde |
Prof Andrew Long | Physics and Astronomy, Glasgow University |
Giovanni Losurdo | INFN Pisa |
Dr. Harald Lueck | Albert Einstein Insitut |
Dr Ian MacLaren | University of Glasgow |
Dr Bill Martin | |
Professor David McClelland | The Australian National University |
Paul McNamara | European Space Agency |
Ian Menzies | Education Scotland |
Susanne Milde | Milde Science Communications |
Alan Miller | Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) |
Karen Ness | Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) |
Laura Nuttall | University of Portsmouth |
Terry O’Connor | STFC-UKRI |
Dr Michael Purshouse FREng | Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge |
Stuart Reid | University of Strathclyde |
Sascha Rieger | Milde Science Communication |
Erling Riis | University of Strathclyde |
Professor Ian Robson | International Astronomical Union |
B.S. Sathyaprakash | Cardiff University and Penn State |
Prof Bernard Schutz | Cardiff University |
Dr Janet Seed | STFC |
David Shoemaker | MIT/LSC |
Prof. Kenway M. Smith | Glasgow University |
Prof Timothy John Sumner | Imperial College London |
Dr Kirill Tokmakov | Aston University, Birmingham |
Prof Ian Undewood FREng FRSE FInstP | University of Edinburgh |
Professor Alberto Vecchio | University of Birmingham |
Peter Veitch | University of Adelaide |
David Vine | University of Strathclyde |
Gavin Wallace | University of Strathclyde |
Joanne Ward | Scottish Government |
Alan Watson | University of Leeds |
Rainer Weiss | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Iain White | |
Benno Willke | Leibniz Universitaet Hannover |
Callum Wiseman | University of Strathclyde |
Fred Young | PSTT |