

In addition to the members of the Institute for Gravitational Research, other confirmed attendees are

Name Affiliation
Peter Aitchison University of Glasgow
Nils Andersson University of Southampton
Svetoslava Angelova University of Strathclyde
Steve Barnett P & A University of Glasgow
Riccardo Bassiri Stanford University
Angus Bell Cascade Technologies
Ross Birney University of Strathclyde
David Blair University of Western Australia
Dr Stephen Breslin Glasgow Science Centre
Prof John C. Brown Astronomer Royal for Scotland, U.Glasgow
Jocelyn Bell Burnell University of Oxford
Professor Robert Byer Stanford University
Gianpietro Cagnoli Institut Lumière Matière
Dr Paul Campsie University of Strathclyde
Dr Caroline Cantley Scottish Research Partnership in Engineering (SRPe)
Professor Matthew Cartmell University of Strathclyde
Dr Eleanor Chalkley AFRC / University of Strathclyde
Marcus Chown  
Dr David Clubley Coherent Scotland Ltd.
Catherine Coates  
Alan Coates  
Dr Allan B Colquhoun Leonardo
Ian Corbett  
Prof Mike Cruise Royal Astronomical Society
Professor Colin Cunningham UK Astronomy Technology Centre & University of Edinburgh
Prof. Dr. Karsten Danzmann AEI Hannover
Katherine Dooley Cardiff University
Prof Tony Doyle University of Glasgow
Daniele Faccio University of Glasgow
Jim Faller JILA and University of Glasgow
Jocelyne Bellenger-Faller  
Dr. Ewan Fitzsimons UKATC
Prof. Lyndsay Fletcher School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow
Prof. Andreas Freise University of Birmingham
Joe Giaime LIGO Livingston Observatory
Des Gibson University of the West of Scotland
Chalisa Giers University of Strathclyde
Justin Greenhalgh UKRI/STFC
Jean Greig Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
Hartmut Grote Cardiff University
David Hamilton University of Glasgow
Professor Paul Hardaker Institute of Physics
Martin Hewitson AEI Hannover
David Ireland University of Glasgow
Li Ju University of Western Australia
Dr. Fumiko Kawazoe AEI Hannover
Albert Lazzarini LIGO Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Margaret Lazzarini  
Dr Sean Leavey AEI Hannover
Gerd Leuchs Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Prof. Nicholas A. Lockerbie University of Strathclyde
Prof Andrew Long Physics and Astronomy, Glasgow University
Giovanni Losurdo INFN Pisa
Dr. Harald Lueck Albert Einstein Insitut
Dr Ian MacLaren University of Glasgow
Dr Bill Martin  
Professor David McClelland The Australian National University
Paul McNamara European Space Agency
Ian Menzies Education Scotland
Susanne Milde Milde Science Communications
Alan Miller Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA)
Karen Ness Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA)
Laura Nuttall University of Portsmouth
Terry O’Connor STFC-UKRI
Dr Michael Purshouse FREng Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
Stuart Reid University of Strathclyde
Sascha Rieger Milde Science Communication
Erling Riis University of Strathclyde
Professor Ian Robson International Astronomical Union
B.S. Sathyaprakash Cardiff University and Penn State
Prof Bernard Schutz Cardiff University
Dr Janet Seed STFC
David Shoemaker MIT/LSC
Prof. Kenway M. Smith Glasgow University
Prof Timothy John Sumner Imperial College London
Dr Kirill Tokmakov Aston University, Birmingham
Prof Ian Undewood FREng FRSE FInstP University of Edinburgh
Professor Alberto Vecchio University of Birmingham
Peter Veitch University of Adelaide
David Vine University of Strathclyde
Gavin Wallace University of Strathclyde
Joanne Ward Scottish Government
Alan Watson University of Leeds
Rainer Weiss Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Iain White  
Benno Willke Leibniz Universitaet Hannover
Callum Wiseman University of Strathclyde
Fred Young PSTT