


Venue: Lecture Theater 257, Kelvin Building

Sadly, Dr. Giovanni Losurdo cannot attend

Time Item Title
13:30 Welcome  
  Session 1 Chair: Laura Nuttall
13:35 Prof. Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell Beginnings
14:00 Prof. Bernard Schutz The early days 1970-1995: the road to GEO and beyond
14:25 Prof. Karsten Danzmann The making of GEO and LISA
14:50 Break  
  Session 2 Chair: Alberto Vecchio
15:20 Prof. Robert Byer Gravitational Waves
Glasgow - Jim, Sheila and Norna
Stanford - Bob, Dan, Marty, Eric and Brian
15:45 Prof. David McClelland A view from down under
16:10 Prof. Emeritus Rainer Weiss Some history and prospects
16:35 Break  
  Session 3 Chair: Stuart Reid
16:50 Prof. B.S. Sathyaprakash Exploring the Universe from Planck to Hubble in the 3G Era
17:15 Prof. Sheila Rowan A future path
17:40 Final words  


The conference dinner will be held at the Glasgow Science Centre.

Reception: 19:30 Dinner: ~20:30

Note there is no set dress code for dinner.